Howdy future me and any voyeurs 👋
This 7 days started pretty fun, with me getting some triple monitors for my sim racing setup. I have been a VR user since 2017, having been on a tiny single screen before that, and I've wanted to go triples for ages. A good deal came up on Facebook Marketplace, so I headed to Brackley to pick these up from a lovely bloke who works at Mercedes F1 in the fabrication side.
There's really something about how awesome a simulator rig looks with big ol' screens on it, don't you think?

I hastily put them on ready for an 8hr race on the Saturday, which unfortunately we only managed 4 hours of – mostly due to little teething problems that I had in the form of a steering wheel disconnecting and a ridiculous keyboard issue. Still good to get that itch scratched though.
Sunday was a day with kid at a friends party – a friend she knows from an old club who is super lovely to stay in touch and keep inviting Eleanor to things.
Work wise it's been a hectic week, we launched another product late last week that didn't take off anywhere near as well as the last one, so there's been a lot of work on improving that early on. I'm glad to see that that's had an impact already. I've also been getting involved with taking candidates through coding challenges, and we had a couple this week that were interesting for completely opposite reasons.
Other than that, personally I've been feeling pretty damn low. I mentioned about the divorce last week, and although we've known about it for a while and it wasn't really a surprise anyway, it's still weighing hard on me. It's not something I ever wanted to happen, and we're in a place where none of the options for either of us look great whatever happens. Right now it looks like I might end up with pretty much full time parenting duties, and I'll cherish the extra time with kid but I'm also pretty apprehensive about how that looks for all three of us over the next however many years. I don't feel like a good enough Dad to be doing it on my own, and I really don't want to mess her up any more than the absolute minimum.
Yesterday was my 3 year anniversary of being sober. Yay.
This weekend will be a weird one – it's my Mum's 60th and as a family we're all going to hang out in an AirBnb for the weekend. It'll be awesome to get away, but there's an element of this being the first proper 'event' where we're still playing happy families while kid doesn't know about the impending split. I'm sure everything will be fine, it's just a little bit of nervousness in advance.