Yes! I have managed two of these in a row. New record! What's been up this week?
I turned 38. It was good. Spent the day with my kid because Hayley was off being witchy at a witchy event, so we went to my sister and brother-in-laws to see them and the nephews and a good time was had. I got spoiled with lots of things, including, but not limited to, this Peugeot 9x8 Lego that I've been wanting to purchase for a long time.

I managed to work out a couple of times this week, first at a return to the 6-a-side football I’ve been doing with some of the Dads from the school, and then a bit in the gym. That was mostly at the beginning of the week though, so by now it actually feels like I did next to nothing!
Product Launch
Work wise, we got ourselves to another product launch, which is great. That makes two now, so I’m excited to see how it’s been received over the weekend. I also got involved in some more hiring, which is always a fun process.
I’m just going to mention it so that it’s not being ignored. I’m getting divorced. We decided way back in August and it’s been tough. I’m pretty wrecked about it, but don’t want to write loads right now - maybe some of it will come out over time.