A London Museum Trip

Eleanor loves trains. Well, she's two, so she loves almost everything as long as it involves her getting her own way. We live at the end of probably the slowest line into London, and most days we drive past a train sitting at the station on our way to nursery. She loves those 5 seconds of her day, and is disappointed if we've not timed the journey right and missed it.
So it's no surprise that she was very excited to go on not one, but SIX trains on our trip to London. Hayley had organised the trip as an extension to my birthday celebrations, and a day with my two favourite people was great. We got up and out as soon as we could, got the train to London Bridge and a couple of underground trains to end up at both the Natural History and Science museums. We all had a great time and learned a lot, as well as stopping for a lovely lunch (and beer, obviously – it was still my birthday!) between the two museums.
I think the museums were still just filler as far as Eleanor was concerned though, as the way back involved two underground and another overground train to get home.
There might have even been a sneaky McDonald's on the walk from the train to home too!